Your Journey to feeling better begins at SenSemilla Med…

Purchase…Possession and Potency

Purchase and Possession Limit

  • Possession and purchase limits are calculated based on "Medical Cannabis Equivalency Units" (MCEUs) of 3.5 grams of flower, up to 100 mg of THC in infused products, and up to one gram of concentrate.

  • Patients may not purchase more than 24 MCEUs in a month (84 grams, which is less than 3 ounces).

  • Patients may not possess more than 28 MCEUs at one time (98 grams, which is less than 3.5 ounces).

Potency Caps

  • Flower cannot exceed 30% THC.

  • Tinctures, oils, and concentrates

    may not exceed 60%.

Adam Byrd Hillman, IV Madison, MS WLBT



This is the most direct way to check your unit balance with the MDOH Cannabis Program. It is simple to use and gives you real time results. This helps you manage your units to provide symptoms effectively for the entire month.

Kiln MS Medical marijuana card provider-doctor-physician

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